Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/853

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RECENT PERIODICALS AND NEW BOOKS The Economic Review, 1891. October. I. Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII. on the Condition of Labour. By the Rev. Canon H. S. HOLLAND, M.A. II. What is Justice ? By the Rev. H. RXSHDar. r., M.A. lII. Tl?e Incidence of Urban Rates. By G. H. BLUSDE,?. Concludes that, in the case of private houses, rates fall, not on the ground landlord, but on the occupier both in the first year of occupation and afterwards, even if they are then increased. In the case of shops and public premises in the finest situations, rates fall on the ground landlord; whereas in less favoured situations the rates are jointly borne in varying proportion by the occupier and ground landlord. IV. The Sooialis?n of Ferdinand Lassalle. By G. BINNEY DIBBLEE B.A. V. The Im19ediment to Prod?xtion. By the Rev. FRXNCm 'MINTON M.A. The great ' Impediment to Production' is a too unequal distribu- tion of wealth. Advocates the abolition of the land monopoly, a progressive income tax, and an increase in the probate and succession duties. VI. Darwbzism a?zd Socialism. By T. KIRKUP. The rational Socialist does not wish to stifle competition, but place it under ethical control. VII. The Co-Operative Moveme?t. By W. A. S. HEW?SS, B.A. A valuable article in the form of a review. to Journal of the Statistical Society, 1891. September. On the Nature and Uses of Averages. By Dr. JOH? There are many sorts of averages, e.g. the arithmetic mean, the median or middlemost point, the point of maximum frequency; each "a single fictitious substitute of our own for the plurality of actual values existent in the results which are .... set before us.' Among the Miscella?ea may be mentioned ?otes on the Preliminary _Ret?rns of the Censuses of some Foreign Countries a?wl British Colonies, and The Zo?te System of the Hu?tgaria? ?ailways, by Dr. A.