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"Say, aren't they beauts!"

"All to the cream!"

"Nothing like 'em ever seen on this river before!"

"And look at the eight! Isn't that a peach?"

"Easy there, Housenlager, that isn't a ferryboat!" and Jerry Jackson kept the big lad from stepping into the new eight-oared shell. The other exclamations, as may easily be surmised, came from the college lads as they gathered about the new float and boathouse, in front of which were the new craft that had been put in the water that day. It was a week or so after the opening of Randall, and matters were shaping themselves up in some kind of order.

"Two fours, four singles, two doubles and the eight!" remarked Tom. "Say, that committee of old grads certainly did themselves proud all right!"

"They sure did," agreed Sid.

"And this boathouse can't be beat!" added