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"Well, now we have it, what shall we do with it?"

"Say, but it's a frail thing all right!"

"Looks as if one good stroke would split it in two."

"And that will hold eight men!"

"Nine, counting the coxswain, you gump! Didn't you ever see an eight-oared shell before?"

"Not so close at hand! Say, but it's flimsy all right."

"Oh, I guess we'll find it stiff enough for us."

These were only a few of the comments, and questions, propounded by the students of Randall as they gathered about the new shell—or, rather, the second-hand one—that had been purchased in order to give them practice while the new outfit was being made.

Following the enthusiastic announcement of Kindlings, as detailed in the last chapter, the more eager of the rowing contingent, including our four