Page:The Elementary Worker and his Work.djvu/67

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chooses a little friend, and so on till all have been greeted. Then together they sing,

"Good morning to you,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, dear children,
Good morning to all."

"This is such a beautiful morning. I wonder if you saw some things that I saw this morning? Did you notice the trees as you came to Sunday-school? What did you notice, Harold? Yes, the little new leaves. Who else noticed something beautiful this morning? The grass, yes; and even some flower buds. Who made all these beautiful things? God, the loving Heavenly Father. Let us sing about the things God has made."

"All things bright and beautiful,
All things great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
Our Father made them all."

In this informal conversation, which makes every one feel at home and comfortable, the children may tell about their pleasures, such as new shoes or a ride in an automobile or a party. The more they love the Sunday-school teacher, the more they will have to tell her, and possibly some child will have something to show her.

"I wonder how many children we have here to-day. Jack, help me count them." Taking Jack by the hand the teacher goes round the circle, Jack touching each child lightly, as all the children count aloud with the teacher. (The children enjoy being counted.)

Recognitions"Have we any new children to-day? Two? Isn't that nice? Fred and Jennie, bring your little friends to me that we may welcome them." As they stand by the teacher, if not too timid, the children sing a welcome song,