Page:The Elementary Worker and his Work.djvu/72

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Aim of ProgramThe threefold aim in arranging a program for the Beginners' Department is to direct the physical and mental activities of the Beginner in such a way as to aid his spiritual growth; to adapt religious thought so that even the smallest child may come to know and love the Heavenly Father; to interweave the elements of fellowship, worship, and instruction so that the children will love to come, will learn that which will truly help them, and will worship the Father "in spirit and in truth."

[Note: The songs and exercises referred to in this program may be found in these books:

  1. Beginners' Teachers' Text-Book. First Year. Part 1.
  2. "Song Stories for the Sunday School," by Patty Hill. Price, 25 cents.
  3. "Carols," by Leyda and Burgener. Price, 25 cents.
  4. "Finger Plays," by Emilie Poulsson.

These may be ordered from the Methodist Book Concern, New York, Cincinnati, or Chicago.]

Lesson Outline:

  • III. Essential Elements.
    • Fellowship.
    • Worship.
    • Instruction.
  • III. Adaptation.
    • Simplicity.
    • Variety.
    • Freedom.
    • Interest.
    • Articulation.
  • III. A Suggestive Program.
    • 1. Program outlined.
    • 2. Program elaborated.