Page:The Elements of Euclid for the Use of Schools and Colleges - 1872.djvu/412

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513. Show that the four straight lines bisecting tlio angles of any quadrilateral form a quadrilateral which can be inscribed in a circle.

514. Find the shortest distance between two circles which do not meet.

515. Two circles cut one another at a point vl: it is required to draw through A a straight line so that the extreme length of it intercepted by the two circles may be equal to that of a given straight line.

516. If a polygon of an even number of sides be inscribed in a circle, the sum of the alternate angles together with two right angles is equal to as many right angles as the figure has sides.

517. Draw from a given point in the circumference of a circle, a chord which shall be bisected by its point of intersection with a given chord of the circle.

518. When an equilateral polygon is described about a circle it must necessarily be equiangular if the number of sides be odd, but not otherwise.

519. AB is the diameter of a circle whose centre is C, and DCE is a sector having the arc DE constant; join AE, BD intersecting at P; shew that the angle APB is constant.

520. If any number of triangles on the same base BC, and on the same side of it have their vertical angles equal, and perpendiculars, intersecting at D, be drawn from B and C on the opposite sides, find the locus of D; and shew that all the straight lines which bisect the angle BDC pass through the same point.

521. Let O and C be any fixed points on the circumference of a circle, and OA any chord; then if AC be joined and produced to B, so that OB is equal to OA, the locus of B is an equal circle.

522. From any point P in the diagonal BD of a parallelogram ABCD, straight lines PE, PF, PC, PH are drawn perpendicular to the sides AB, BC, CD, DA: shew that EF is parallel to GH.

523. Through any fixed point of a chord of a circle other chords are drawn; shew that the straight lines from the middle point of the first chord to the middle points of the others will meet them all at the same angle.

524. ABC is a straight line, divided at any point B