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Then was the bishop of the people rejoiced anew, he who had turned with repentance through the Son of God. Awe-struck he took the nails, and bore them unto the revered queen. Cyriacus had1130 fulfilled all the woman’s wish, even as his noble mistress bade him. Then was there the sound of lamentation, and hot tears welling over their faces—yet not at all for sorrow; her tears fell over the nails. Wondrously was the desire of the queen fulfilled.1135 With joyous faith she laid them upon her knees, and, rejoicing in her happiness, revered the gift that was brought unto her as a solace for her sadness. She gave thanks unto God, the Lord of victories, that now she knew the truth which had oft1140 been foretold long before from the beginning of the world as a comfort for the nations. She was filled with the grace of wisdom, and the Holy Spirit of1145 heaven held the dwelling of her body, and guarded her both heart and soul. Thus the almighty, victorious Son of God had care for her thereafter.

18. Elene’s Disposal of the Nails.

Then she began zealously through the mysteries of the Holy Spirit to search out the truth and the way to glory. Verily the Lord of hosts, King1150 Almighty, gave aid that the queen might win her wish in the world. From the beginning all the prophecy was chanted in times before by the seers of old, and thus it happened in every respect.1155 Through the grace of the Holy Spirit the queen zealously began to search out with great care wherefor she might best and most fitly for the solace of men use the nails, and what was the will of the1160