Page:The Eleven Comedies (1912) Vol 1.djvu/199

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Come, my dear friend, come and accept my kisses. Tell me, Hermes, my master, do you think it would hurt me to fuck her a little, after so long an abstinence?


No, not if you swallow a potion of penny-royal afterwards.[1] But hasten to lead Theoria[2] to the Senate; ’twas there she lodged before.


Oh! fortunate Senate! Thanks to Theoria, what soups you will swallow for the space of three days![3] how you will devour meats and cooked tripe! Come, farewell, friend Hermes!


And to you also, my dear sir, may you have much happiness, and don’t forget me.


Come, beetle, home, home, and let us fly on a swift wing.


Oh! he is no longer here.


Where has he gone to then?


He is harnessed to the chariot of Zeus and bears the thunderbolts.


But where will the poor wretch get his food?

  1. The Scholiast says fruit may be eaten with impunity in great quantities if care is taken to drink a decoction of this herb afterwards.
  2. Theoria is confided to the care of the Senate, because it was this body who named the Θεωροί, deputies appointed to go and consult the oracles beyond the Attic borders or to be present at feasts and games.
  3. The great festivals, e.g. the Dionysia, lasted three days. Those in honour of the return of Peace, which was so much desired, could not last a shorter time.