Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/126

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The Life of the Emperour

Villages on each side. His Troops passing the River in spight of the Resistance of the Slings and Archers, attacked the Barbarians briskly, who after having stood the first Shock, and lost their best Men, gave way and retreated. And here the Romans made a horrible Slaughter of them, the Field was all strew'd with Carcasses, and the greatest trouble the Emperour had was to check the Heat and Fury of his Soldiers, who as weary as they were, seem'd to Refresh themselves by cutting the Throats of the Enemy. There was a great Number of Prisoners taken, and Antoninus had some of their Kings brought in Chains to him, with their Wives and Children.

After this Victory the Emperour march'd his Army to the River Granua, [1] which parts the Quadi from the Jazygian Sarmatæ, the most warlike Nation of all the Barbarians ; Beyond this River there was another, and the Sarmatæ were encamp'd upon the Ground between them. The Thundring Legion being order'd to march first, made their way over a Bridge of Boats, and planted their Colours upon the Bank of the second River; and the Sarmatians that oppos'd them were almost all either drown'd, or kill'd : In the meantime the whole Army pass'd, and Anto-ninus

  1. From this Place the Emperour dates his first Book, and probably it lay in some part of the lesser Tartary.