Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/229

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Meditations, &c.

you think then of that which deserves this Character in the strictest Propriety ? Do you imagine it wants any Thing Foreign to compleat the Idea ? What is your Opinion of Truth, good Nature and Sobriety? Do any of these Virtues stand in need of a good Word ; or are they the worse for a bad one? I hope a Diamond will shine ne'er the less for a Mans, being silent about the worth on't; Neither is there any Necessity of Flourishing upon a piece of Gold, to preserve the Intrinsick of the Mettal.

XXI. If Humane Souls have a Being after Death, which way has the Air made Room for them from all Eternity ? Pray how has the Earth been Capacious enough to receive all the Bodies buried in't ? The Resolution of this latter Question will satisfy the former. For as a Corps after some continuance turns into Dust, and makes way for another; So when a Man dies, and the Spirit is let loose into the Air it holds out for some time, after which it wears off and drops in Pieces. And when Things come to this Pass, 'tis either Renew'd, and Lighted up into another Soul; [1] or else absorb'd into that of the Universe; And thus they make room for Succession. And this may serve for an answer upon the Supposition of the Souls surviving the Body. Besides, We are not

  1. The Stoicks held the Sould a Composition of Fire and Air, but Fire was the predominant Element.