Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/234

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Marcus Antoninus's

Consider this I say, and you'l find Mankind just at the same pass They are now. Some Marrying, and some concern'd in Education, some Sick, and some Dying; some Fighting, and some Feasting; some drudging at the Plow, and some upon the Exchange; some were too Affable, and some over-grown with Conceit; one was full of Jealousy, and t'other of Knavery; Here you might find a parcel wishing for the Death of their Friends; and there a seditious Club complaining of the Times; some Loved their Wenches, and some their Bags, some grasp'd at the Consulship, and some at the Scepter. Well! All's over with that Generation long since. Come forward then to the Reign of Trajan; Now here you'l find Mortals in the same Circle of Business, and Folly, they were in before : But they are all gone too. Go on with the Contemplation, and carry it to other Times and Countries, And here you'l see abundance of People very Busy, and Big with their Projects, drop off presently, and Moulder to Dust and Ashes; More particularly recollect those within your own Memory, who have been hurried on in these vain Pursuits; How they have overlook'd the Dignity of their Nature, and those better Satisfactions in their own Power. And here you must remember to
