Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/244

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Marcus Antoninus's

Convenience : Whereas in business you are apt to Favour your self, and do less than lies in your power. In earnest, you have no true Love for your self: If you had, you would improve your Nature, Humour her Motions, and solicit her Interest. Now when a Man loves his Trade, how he'l Sweat and Drudg to perform to a Curiosity, and make himself Master on't! But to speak out, You mind your Person less than a Turner does the making of a Chair; A Dancing Master has much more regard for his Heels, than you have for your Head : And as for Wealth and Popularity, how strongly are they pursued by the Vain, and the Covetous? All these People when their Fancy is once struck, push their Point might and main, and will scarcely allow themselves necessary Refreshment. And now can you think the Functions of Reason, Justice, and Generosity, less valuable than these petty Amusements?

II. What an easy matter 'tis to stem the Current of your imagination; to discharge a troublesome, or improper Thought, and grow as calm and regular as one would wish?

III. Don't think any Action beneath you, which Reason and Circumstances require; and never be misled by the apprehension of Censure, or Reproach. Where
