Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/249

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Meditations, &c.

the Prescriptions of a Celebrated Physician : These Doses are often unpalatable and rugged ; and yet the define of Health makes them go merrily down. Now that which Nature esteems Profit and Convenience, should be no less valued than your own Health : And therefore when any cross Accident happens, take it quietly to you, 'tis for the good of the Universe, and Jupiter himself is the better for't. [1] Depend upon't, This had never been sent you, if the World had not found it's Account in't: Neither does Nature act at Random, or order any thing which is not suitable to those Beings under her Government. You have two reasons therefore to be contented with your Condition: First, bccause you were Born, and singled out for't: 'Twas assign'd you from the beginning by the highest and most antient Causes. Secondly, 'Tis for the Interest of him that governs' the World; [2] It perfects his Nature in some Meafure, and continues his Happiness : For it holds in Causes, no less than in Matter and Quantity; If you lop off any part of the Continuity and Connexion, you Maim the Whole. Now if you are displeas'd with your Circumstances, you dismember Nature, and pull the World in pieces, as much as lies in your power.

F 3
IX. Be
  1. A Stoical Paradox.
  2. A gross Error of the Stoicks.