Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/262

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Marcus Antoninus's

Remov'd. [1]And till that time comes, what is to be done? The answer is easie: To worship the Gods, and speak honourably of them; to be beneficial to Mankind; to bear with their Faults, and let their property alone. And lastly, to remember, that whatever lies without the compass of your Person, is nothing of yours, nor in your power.

XXXIV. You may be always successful if you do but set out well, and let your Thoughts and Practice proceed upon Grounds and Method. There are two properties and priviledges common to God, and all Rational Beings; The one is, not to be hindred by any thing Foreign; The other, to make Virtue their supream satisfaction, and not so much as to desire any thing farther.

XXXV. If this Accident is no fault of mine, nor a consequence of it; And besides if the Community is ne'er the worse for't, why am I concerned? Now which Way the Community[2] may be damnified, I shall discourse afterwards.[3]

XXXVI. Don't suffer a suddain Impression to overbear your Judgment. Let those that want your Assistance have it, as far as the Case requires. But if Fortune as they call it, lies hard upon them, don't you conclude upon any real Damage,

  1. Into a State of separation.
  2. By the Community is meant the World
  3. See Book 8. Sect. 55.