Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/268

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Marcus Antoninus's

sophy to be only skin deep ; great Demureness without, and no less Vanity within.

XIV. The Inclination of the generality, may be reduced to these Heads, some People are little enough to be smitten with things in the state of bare Existence, or Vegetation; As with Wood, Stones, Fruit, and such like. Others who are somewhat more tolerable in their Fancy, must have Life to Charm them; And these, it may be are mighty in love with their Flocks and Herds. A Third sort, better furnish'd than the former, admire nothing beneath Humane Nature ; But then they don't take in the whole Kind, but 'tis either the Skill, Parts, or Property [1]of some particulars which Affect them. But he that values a Rational Creature without Limitation, or Partiality, runs into none of the Dotages above mentioned : But makes it his chief business to look at Home, to keep Reason and Good Nature stirring, and to assist all Mankind in the publick Intereft.

XV. Some Things are pressing for Birth, anb Being, and others are posting off, and that which was entire just now, is part of it spent already. The World is renew'd by this Change and Rolling, no less than Time is by a perpetual Succession. Now

  1. As in Slave who belong to their Masters.