Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/275

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Meditations, &c.

easily learn'd, therefore guard against the Infection. Be Candid, Sincere, and Modestly Grave. Let Justice and Piety have their Share in your Character ; Let your Temper be remarkable for Mildness, and Goodnature, and be always enterprizing and vigorous in your Business. And in short strive to be just such a Man as Virtue and Philosophy would make you? Worship the Gods, and Protect Mankind. This Life is short, and all the Advantage you can get by it,is the Opportunties you have of Adoring Those Above,[1]and doing Good to Those Below you. Do every thing like a Disciple of Antoninus, [2] Imitate him in the Vigour and Constancy of his Good Conduct, in the Equality, Sweetness and Piety of his Temper, the Serenity of his Aspect, the Modesty and Unpretendingness of his Behaviour, and the generous Ambition he had to be perfectly Master of his Business. Farther : 'Twas his Way, to dismiss nothing till he had look'd through it, and view'd it on all sides: to bear unreasonable Remonstrances without making a return ; never to be in a Hurry : To be backward in giving encouragement to Enformers : He was a great Judge of Men and Manners: Bnt of no Satyrical and Reprimanding Humour : Not at all apt to be

  1. The Gods.
  2. Author means the Emperour Antoninus Pius, who was his Adoptive Father.