Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/291

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Meditations, &c.

the Soul of the Universe, [1] and so is Memory, and Fame, in the Gulph of Time.

XI. With Rational Beings Nature, and Reason is the same thing. By consequence to act according to the one, must be to act according to the other.

XII. Either stand upright upon your own Legs, or let another support you.

XIII. Does Continuity and Connexion create Sympathy and Relation , in the Parts of the Body ? Why Resemblance, and as one may say , Consanguinity of Nature, does the same thing among Rational Beings ; For tho' they are not tack'd together by Extension, and Union of Place ; They seem all made to cooperate with each other. This Thought will be more Intelligible and Affecting, if you frequently consider your self as a Member of the Rational System ; But if you reckon your self only a Part, this Relation will prove too weak for a Principle of Action. This Remoter Notion won't Cherish good Nature enough, nor carry it to a Just Improvement. You won't love Mankind so heartily as you should do : Under this Perswasion; a generous Action will ne're Delight and Regale you ; you'l do a good Office meerly for Fashion and Decency , but not as if was really a kindness to your self.

XIV. Let
  1. See Book 4. Sect. 14.