Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/312

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Marcus Antoninus's

are very sensible how much you have Rambled after Happiness, and fail'd. Neither Learning , nor Wealth, nor Fame , nor Pleasure, could ever help you to it. Which way is it to be had then ? By Acting up to the height of Humane Nature. And how shall a Man do this ? Why by getting a right Set of Principles for Thoughts, and Practice. And what Principles are those ? Such as State and Distinguish Good and Evil. Such as give us to understand , that there is nothing properly good for a Man, but what promotes the Virtues of Justice, Temperance, Fortitude, and Benevolence; nor any thing bad for him, but that which carries him off to the contrary Vices.

II. At every Action , and Enterprize, ask your self this question; what will the consequence of this be to me ? Am I not likely to repent of it? I shall be dead in a little time, and then all's over with me. If the present undertaking is but suitable to an Intelligent , and Sociable Being , and one that has the honour to live by the same Rule, and Reason with God himself; If the Case stands thus, all's well, and to what purpose should you look any farther ?

III. Alexander, Julius Cæsar, and Pompey, what were they in Comparison of Diogenes, Heraclitus , and Socrates? These Philosophers look'd through Cause, Matter,
