Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/366

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Marcus Antoninus's

one worth the owning. And to remember those good Qualities above mention'd the more effectually, you should consider that Imitation is the most acceptable part of Worship, and that the Gods had much rather Mankind should Resemble, than Flatter them : That Operation is the right Proof of Nature ; That Trees are distinguished by their Fruit, Dogs by the Qualities proper to their Kind; And thus it holds with Men too, who ought to quit that Name, unless they can answer the Idea, and make out their Claim by their Actions.

IX. Unless you are very careful, this Campaining, Tempestuous Life you are engaged in, the Liberties of your Court, your own Lazyness, and the Flattery of your Subjects, will constantly be doing you Disservice, wear out the noble Impressions of Philosophy, and make your Study of Nature Insignificant. How then are you to manage upon all Occasions ? In such a manner, as to omit neither Business nor Thinking. To be modest in the Consciousness of your Improvement, but not so far as to undervalue your Knowledge, and keep it out of Sight. When you are thus well-skill'd both in Theory, and Practice, then your Virtues will Regale you, and you'l relish the Advantage of Philosophy. Then you'l be able to un-
