Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/369

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Meditations, &c.

Reason and Justice are pleasant Companions; and those that keep to them, are always satisfied, and in good Humour.

XIII. When you are first awake you may put this Question ; whether another Man's Virtue will signify any thing to the doing your Business ? No, unless you help your self, another Man's Mind will no more improve you, than another Man's Mouth will nourish you : This thought may do you Service in a Morning, and help to make the Day more significant. And now I think on't, don t forget what sort of Men those are which value themselves so much upon the Good or Ill Character, they give their Neighbours; one would imagine by their bragging they could govern the World with their Tongues, and talk People into what Condition they had a mind to. But then these mighty Men of Satyr, and Panegyrick, how scandalously do they live? How are they overgrown , with Luxury and Lewdness? How foolish are their Fancies, and how unreasonable their Fears ? How much Truth do they murther with their prating; and how often do they steal from an honest Man, to make a Knave look the better? But after all, they have the worst on't, by abusing that Reason which might have serv'd them to so many Excellent Purpofes.