Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/81

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Marcus Antoninus.

had a worse Enemy to encounter at their Return, [1] and were half of them destroy'd by Sickness, and Famine. This Mortality lay so hard upon Cassis's Army, that by that time he had reached Syria he was able to muster but a very few. However, these Misfortunes made no Impression upon Verus's Vanity, who immediately took the Title of Conquerour of Armenia and Parthia; as if he had fairly won all this Honour by keeping out of the Field, and Debauching at a distance.

Marcus Antoninus, who pretended to know nothing of these Sallies, was of Opinion that Marriage was the most likely Expedient to Retrieve him : His Daughter therefore Lucilla contracted to Verus, and one of the most Beautiful Ladies living, was immediately put into the Hands of Antoninus's Sister, in order to embark for Syria, the Emperour seeing them on their way, as far as Brundusium. 'Tis said he once design'd to go along with her to Verus, but chang'd his Resolution upon a Report being spread, [2] that the meaning of this Progress into Syria was only to get the Honour for himself, of putting an end to the Parthian War. He staid at Brundusium till the Princess was embark'd, and wrote to the Proconsuls, and Governours of Provinces, not to meet, nor attend her

  1. Dio. lib. 71.
  2. Capitol.