Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/18

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MATTHEW X. 24—42; XL 1—11.

24 A |disciple|[1] is not above |the teacher|, Nor |a servant| above |his lord|: 25 |Sufficient for the disciple| that he become |as his teacher|. And |the servant| as |his lord|. <If ||the master of the house|| |Beelzebul| they called> How much more、 the men of his house! 26 Then do not fear them, — For |nothing hath been covered|[2] which shall not be |uncovered|, And |hidden| which shall not be |made known|. 27 <What I am saying to you in the darkness> Tell ye in the light, — And <what |whispered| into the ear ye are hearing> Proclaim ye on the housetops. 28 And be not in fear, by reason of them that are killing the body, — And |the soul|[3] are not able to kill. But fear, rather, him who is able |both soul and body| to destroy in gehenna![4] 29 Are not ||two' sparrows|| |for a farthing| sold? And |one from among them| shall not fall upon the ground, without your Father; 30 But <even the hairs of |your| head> have all been numbered. 31 Then be not in fear — |Than many' sparrows| better are ||ye||! 32 <Every one therefore who shall confess me before men> ||I also|| will confess |him| before my Father who is in the heavens; 33 But <whoever shall deny me before men> ||I also|| will deny[5] |him| before my Father who is in the heavens. 34 Do not think, that I came to thrust peace upon the earth, — I came not to thrust |peace| but |a sword|[6]; 35 For I came to set at variance — |A man| against his father, And |a daughter| against her mother|. And |a bride| against |her mother-in-law|; 36 And |a man's foes| are ||they of his own house||[7] 37 <He that loveth father or mother above me> Is not |worthy| of me, — And <he that loveth son or daughter above me> Is not |worthy| of me; 38 And <he that doth not take his cross[8] and follow after me> Is not |worthy| of me. 39 |He that hath found his life|[9] shall lose it,— And <he that hath lost his life |for my sake|> shall find it. 40 <He that giveth welcome unto you> |Unto me| giveth welcome.

And <he that |unto me| giveth welcome> Giveth welcome — ||unto him that sent me forth||.[10] <He that giveth welcome unto a prophet, in the name of a prophet> |The reward of a prophet| shall receive; And <he that giveth welcome unto a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man> |The reward of a righteous man| shall receive; — And <whosoever shall give to drink — unto one of these little ones — |a cup of cold water only|, ||in the name of a disciple||>[11] |Yerily| I say unto you, |In nowise| shall lose his reward!

§ 22. John in prison sends Questions to Jesus. Lu. vii. 18-35.

1 And it came to pass <when Jesus had finished giving instructions to his twelve' disciples> he passed on from thence, to be teaching and proclaiming in their cities. 2 Now ||John|| <hearing in the prison the works of the Christ> |sending through his disciples| 3 said unto him. Art ||thou|| the coming one? Or ||a different[12] one|| are we to expect? 4 And |answering| Jesus said unto them — Go report unto John, what ye do hear and see: — 5 The |blind| recover sight、 And |the lame| walk, |Lepers| are cleansed. And |the deaf| hear, —[13] And |the dead| are raised. And |the destitute| are told the joyful tidings[14] ; 6 And |happy| is he、 whosoever shall not find cause of stumbling ||in me||. 7 But <as these were going their way> Jesus began to say unto the multitudes、 concerning John, — What went ye forth into the wilderness to gaze at? A reed、 by a wind、 shaken? 8 But what went ye forth to see? A man、 in soft clothing、 arrayed? Lo! |they who soft clothing do wear| are in the houses of kings. 9 But why went ye forth? |A prophet| to see? Yea、 I say unto you. And much more than a prophet. 10 |This| is he、 concerning whom it is written, — Lo! |I| send my messenger before thy face. Who shall make ready thy way before thee.[15] 11 |Verily| I say unto you — There hath not arisen |among such as are born of women| ||a greater than John the Immerser||, —

  1. Lu. vi. 40; Jn xiii. 16.
  2. Lu. viii. 17; xii. 2-9; Mk. iv. 22.
  3. Ap: "Soul."
  4. Ap: "Gehenna."
  5. 2 Tim. ii. 12.
  6. Lu. xii. 51-53.
  7. Mi. vil. 6.
  8. Chap xvi. 24-26; Mk. viii. 34, 35; Lu. ix. 23, 24.
  9. Com: "Soul."
  10. Mk. ix. 37; Lu. ix. 48; Jn. xiii. 20.
  11. Mk. x. 41.
  12. "Different" In kind, not merely "another" Individual: a "different one" might have kept John out of prison. But cp. xvii. 11, 12.
  13. Is. xxxv. 5, 6.
  14. Is. lxi. 1.
  15. Mal. iii. 1; Mk. i. 2; Lu. vii. 27.