Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/48

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40 MARK V. 36—43; VI. 1—25. w But ||Jesus|| |overhearing the word being spoken| saith unto the synagogue-ruler — Do not fear, only have faith! MAnd he suffered no one to follow |with him|, save Peter and James and John the brother of James. ^s And they come into the house of the synagogue-ruler, and he observeth a tumult^ and persons weeping and wailing greatly; " and^ entering^ he saith unto them — Why are ye making a tumult, and weeping? |The child| is ||not dead||, but ||is sleeping|| ;

  • > and they were deriding him. But |he| thrust-

ing all forth^ taketh with him the father of the child^ and the mother, and them who were with him, — and entereth where the child was ; ^i and <grasping the hand of the child> he saith unto her — Talitha, koum! which is^ when translated — O damsel! |to thee| I say, Arise!

    • And ||straight way|| the damsel arose, and was

walking about; for she was twelve years of age. And they were beside themselves^ straightway^ with a great transport ; *'^ and he commanded them, again and again, that |no one| should get to know this thing, — and bade that food should be given her to eat. § 25. Cause of Stumbling found in the Carpenter's Son. Mt. xiii. 53-58 ; cp. Jn. vi. 42. 6 And he went forth from thence, and cometh into his own city, — and his disciples follow him.

  • And I when it was Sabbath | he began to be

teaching in the synagogue, and ||the greater part |as they heard | were being struck with astonishment, saying — Whence hath this man these things ? — and — What the wisdom which hath been given to this man ?— and — ||Such mighty works as these|| |through his hands are coming to pass! • Is not |this| the carpenter ? the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon ? And are not his sisters here with us ? — and they were finding cause of stumbling in him.

  • And Jesus was saying unto them —

A prophet is not without honour, |save in his own city, and among his kinsfolk, and in his house| a; • and he could not |there| do, so much as a single' mighty work, — save on a few' sick| he laid his hands, and cured them. « And he marvelled,*' because of their unbelief. § 26. The Twelve sent forth. Mt. x. ; Lu. ix. i-6, 10, 11. And he was going round the villages, in a circuit, teaching. ' And he calleth near the twelve, and began to be sending them' forth, two and two, — and was giving them authority over the impure spirits : » and charged them that they should take |nothing| for a journey, • Lu. Iv. 24 ; Jn. Iv. 44. »Or (WH): veiling." 'he was mar- save a staff only, — no bread, no satchel, no copper I for the belt| ; * but having bound on light sandals, and not to put on |two' tunics| ; 10 and he was saying unto them — <Wheresoever ye shall enter into a house> |there| abide, until ye go forth from thence; 11 And <whatsoever place shall not welcome you nor hearken unto you> |when ye are going forth from thence| shake off the dust that is under your feet |for a witness against them|. 12 And they went forth, and made proclamation, in order that men should repent; i* and |many demons| were they casting out, — and were anointing with oil |many' sick|, and were curing them. § 27. John the Immerser beheaded. Mt. xiv. 1-12; Lu. ix. 7-9. 1* And King Herod heard, — for |famous|- had become his name; and he was saying — John the Immerser] hath arisen from among the dead, and |for this cause| ate the powers working mightily in him; 15 But |others| were saying — It is |Elijah|, and I others I were saying— A prophet, like one of the prophets 1 16 But |when Herod heard| he was saying — ||He whom I' beheaded — John|| |the same| hath been raised. 1^ For I Herod himself '| had sent and secured John,and bound him in prison, "^ for the sake of •> Herodias the wife of Philip his brother, — for |her| <= had he married, is For John had been saying to Herod — |It is not allowed thee| to have ||the wife of thy brother||. 19 And |Herodias| was cherishing [a grudge] against him, and wishing |to slay' him|, — and could not; ^o for |Herod| stood in fear of John, knowing him to be a man righteous and holy, — and was keeping him .safe ; and |when he heard him I he paid earnest heed, and |with pleasure] used to listen to him. 21 And <an opportune day |arriving| when Herod on his birth-day made |a feast] for his nobles, and for the rulers of thousands, and for the first men of Galilee> 22 ]when the daughter of this very' Herodias came in and danced] she pleased Herod and those reclining together, and |the king] said unto the damsel — <Ask me what thou wilt> and I will give it thee; 2S and he took an oath to her — <Whatsoever thou shalt ask me> I will give thee ]unto half my kingdom]. 2* And |going out| she said unto her mother — What shall I ask ? and she said — i]The head of John the Immerser] | ; 25 And <coming in straightway, with haste, unto the king> she asked, saying — I desire, that |forthwith| thou give me. • Lu. 111. 19, 20. i> Or : " because of.' " Her ! " — his brother's wife! Note the emphasis.