Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/61

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MARK XIV. 6:62 — 72; XV. 1 — 25.

62And Jesus said — ||I|| am; and ye shall see the Son of Man — Sitting |on the right hand| of Power, And coming with the clouds of heaven.[1] 63And ||the High-priest|| having rent asunder his inner-garments| saith — What |further| need have we |of witnesses|? 64Heard ye the profanity ? What |to you| doth it appear ? And they |all| condemned him to be |worthy| of |death|. 65And some began to be spitting at him, and |covering up his face| and to be buffeting him, and saying to him — Prophesy! And |the attendants| ||with smart blows|| took him.

§ 70. Peter's Denial. Mt. xxvi. 69-75 ; Lu. xxii. 55-62; Jn. xviii. 16-18, 25-27 : cp. ver. 54, ante.

66And <Peter |being| below in the court> there cometh one of the maid-servants of the High- priest; 67and |seeing Peter warming himself | ||having looked at him| saith — And ||thou|| wast |with the Nazarene| — ||with Jesus||. 68But |he| denied, saying — I neither know [him], nor do I well understand what I thou I sayest; and went out into the porch. 69And |the maid-servant| ||seeing him|| began |again| to be saying unto the by-standers— ||This one|| |is| from among them. 70But ||he|| |again| was denying. And ||after a little again|| |the by-standers| were saying unto Peter — ||Truly|| thou |art| from among them; for thou art |a Galilaean| also, 71And |he| began to be cursing and swearing — I know not this man^ of whom ye are speaking! 72And ||straightway^ a second time|| |a cock| crowed ; and Peter was reminded of the declaration, how Jesus had said to him — <Before a cock |twice| crow> ||thrice|| wilt thou deny me. And I when he thought thereon| he began to weep.

§ 71. Jesus before Pilate. Mt. xxvii. 1, 2, 11-26 ; Lu. xxiii. 1-7 ; Ju. xviii. 28-40 ; xix. 1-16.

1And <straightway^ early, when they had made |a council|> the High-priest, with the Elders, and Scribes, and all the High-council |binding Jesus| led him away, and delivered him up unto Pilate. 2And Pilate questioned him — Art ||thou|| the king of the Jews?[2] And |he| answering him, saith — |Thou| sayest.[3] 3And the High-priests began to accuse him |of many things|. 4And |iPilate|| |again| was questioning him, [saying] — Answerest thou |nothing| ? See ! |of how many things| they are accusing thee!

5But |Jesus| ||no further|| answered |anything|, so that Pilate began to marvel. 6Now |at feast time| he was wont to release unto them one' prisoner, whom they were claiming. 7And there was the so-called' Barabbas, |with the rebels| bound, even with them who |in the rebellion| had committed |murder|. 8And |going up| the multitude began to be claiming — according as he was wont to do for them. 9But |Pilate| answered them, sayings Will ye, I release unto you |the King of the Jews|? 10For he was getting to know that |for envy| had [the High-priests][4] delivered him up. 11But |the High-priestsj stirred up the multitude^ that ]] rather ' Barabbas I ] he should release unto them. 12But ||Pilate||| |again answering| was saying unto them — What then shall I do with him whom ye call |the King of the Jews|? 13And ||they|| |again| cried out — Crucify him! 14But |Pilate| was saying unto them — Why! what |evil|[5] hath he done ? And ||they|| |vehemently| cried out — Crucify him! 15And Pilate| <being minded to do what would satisfy |the multitude] > released unto them Barabbas, and delivered up Jesus^ having ' scourged him, that he should be crucified.

§ 72. Mocked by Roman Soldiers. Mt. xxvii. 27-32 ; Ju. xix. 2 ff.

16And |the soldiers| led him away, inside the court, which is a judgment-hall, — and called together the whole' band ; 17and they array him in purple, and set upon him^ when they have plaited it, |a crown of thorns'], — 18and began to be saluting him — Joy to thee! King of the Jews! 19and were striking him on the head with a reed, and were spitting at him, — and, bowing their knees, were doing him homage. 20And |when they had mocked him| they put off him |the purple], and put on him |his own garments|. And they lead him forth, that they may crucify him. 21And they impress a certain passer-by, Simon a Cyrenian, coming from a field,[6] the father of Alexander and Rufus, — that he may carry his cross.

§ 73. The Crucifixion. Mt. xxvii. 33-56 ; Lu. xxiii. 26-49; Jn. xix. 17-37.

22And they bring him unto the Golgotha' place, which is, being translated. Skull-place. 23And they would have given him |myrrhed wine|,-— who, however, received it not. 24And they crucify him, and part asunder his garments^ casting a lot upon them [7]— who should have anything. 25And it was the third hour.

  1. Dan. vii. 13; Ps. cx. 1.
  2. Or: |Thou| art the King of the Jews?"
  3. Or: "|Thou| sayest?"
  4. Or(WH): "they."
  5. Or : "baseness," "bad thing."
  6. Or : "hamlet," or "country-place"
  7. Ps. xxii. 18.