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mals, fishes, mollusks, and insects, now being classified and worked out by the institution's experts.


This list contains particulars of the Birds noted on the Islands of the Recherche Archipelago only. References to other species noted on the mainland will be found in the narrative.

1. Synoicus australis. Brown Quail. — Several seen on Woody Island; one female taken.

2. Phaps elegans. Brush Bronzewing. — Fairly plentiful on Woody Island; four males taken, all fully developed, but showing remarkable variation in the frontal patch, the colour being from slaty-grey to yellow.

3. Eudyptula minor. Little Penguin. — Birds and eggs taken on Rob and Rabbit Islands; one bird seen on Charley Island. Not plentiful.

4. Pelagodroma marina. White-faced Storm-Petrel. — One colony in several sections in full breeding on Lion Island. Abandoned colony on Rob Island. Eggs taken on Lion Island showed rather above the average number of reddish markings.

5. Puffinus carneipes. Fleshy-fcoted Petrel. — Seen in large num- bers feeding ever the ocean between islands. Found breeding on Charley, Rabbit, and Mondrain Islands. Laying evidently commences about November 27th, but only a few eggs found on 29th. On later dates to December 12th fresh eggs found, and numerous burrows being still prepared for laying. The following table of dimensions of the eggs taken is interesting, as showing the wide variation. They are generally smaller than those of the Short-tailed Petrel (Puffinus tenuirostris) .

Localty. Charley Is. Rabbit Is. Mondrain Is. No. of eggs measured . . 14 2 12 Greatest major axis .... 76 mm. 69 mm. 77 mm. Greatest minor axis .... 47 mm. 48 mm. 49 mm. Least major axis 66 mm. 67 mm. 64 mm. Least minor axis 42 mm. 48 mm. 43 mm. Average 69.50 x 45.50 68 x 48 mm. 70.25 x 46 mm. Average dimensions of the whole series measured — 69.2b x 46.50 mm. The birds show most marked variation in measurements, and in the colour of the bill. Some specimens when taken out of the bur- row had a bill of a dull leaden colour, not unlike that of the Wedge- tailed Petrel; others were whitish, and others again had a distinct reddish tinge. The following table will show that there is no relation between the sexes or localities and the various nature of the bill colouring: — Locality. Sex* Total. Wing. Tarsus. Culmen. Colour of Bill. 1. Charley I. $ 390 310 .'S3 42 Whitish. 2. ., ? 380 320 53 41 Whitish, tinged red 3. ,, S 375 310 52 42 Whitish. 4. ,, 2 390 320 54 44 Reddish. 6. ,, $ 390 315 51 41 Whitish. 6. Mondrain I. S .390 .320 53 42 Whitish. 7. ,. cT 390 310 53 42 Reddish. 8. ,, 3- 395 318 53 42 Yellowish horn. 9. ,. $ 380 315 52 41 Yellowish horn. 10. ,, J 400 330 56 41 Reddish, verv robust. 11. Rabbit I. J 390 325 53 44 Yellowish, tinged red. No. 4 has all the breast feathers fringed with light brovn.