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Vol. IV. 1905 ]
Campbell, Birds of the Upper Yarra.

in a nest of which a large young Cuckoo was discovered. Petrœca phœenicea is, in all probability, another foster-parent, though not yet authenticated. This species was observed on the more open rocky northern slopes of the ranges, which, on account of harder natural conditions, are clothed with messmate and stringybark eucalypts, and not with the blackbutt and woollybutt of the richer areas. In similar country, too, was the piping call of the Wonga-Wonga Pigeon noted.

Collyriocincla, Sericornis, Acanthorhynchus, Zosterops, and Meliornis were, as might be expected, the ubiquitous species, being noted in all classes of country through which we passed.

List of Species Identified.

Those marked * noted in the Birds of the Upper Yarra. Ninox boobook Slrepera graculina ,, cuneicaiidata Grallina picata

  • Collyriocincla harmonica

Graucalus melanops . . Edoliisoma tenuirostre Petrci'ca phoenicea

  • ,, fhodinogastra
  • ,, rosea

Maluriis cyaneus Rhipidura albiscapa . .

  • ,, rufifrons . .

,, tricolor Myiagra nitida

  • Geocichla lunulata

Ptilonorhynchus violaceus Acanthiza nana ,, pusilla ,, lineata

  • Sericornis frontalis
  • Pycnoptilus floccosus . .
  • Psophodes crepitans . .

Gymnorhina leuconota Cracticus destructor . . Falcunculus frontatus

  • Eopsaltria australis . .
  • Pachycephala gutturalis

,, rufiventris ,, olivacea

  • Climacteris leiicophcsa
  • A canthorhynchits tenuirostris
  • Zosterops ccerulescens

Melithreptus lunulatus Ptilotis lewini

  • ,, leucotis
  • Meliornis australasiana

Acanthochcsra carunculata DiccBum hirundinaceum Pardalotus assimilis . . beech country. Boobook Owl. Pied Crow-Shrike. Grey Crow-Shrike. Magpie-Lark. Grey Shrike-Thrush. Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike. Caterpillar-eater. Flame-breasted Robin. Pink-breasted Robin. Rose-breasted Robin. Blue Wren. White-shafted Fantail. Rufous Fantail. Black and White Fantail. Satin Flycatcher. Ground-Thrush. Satin Bower-Bird. Little Tit. Brown Tit. Striated Tit. White-browed Scrub- Wren. Pilot-Bird. Coachwhip-Bird. White-backed Magpie. Butcher-Bird. Shrike-Tit. Yellow-breasted Robin. White-throated Thickhead. Rufous-breasted Thickhead. Olive Thickhead. White-throated Tree-creeper. Spinebill. White-eye. White-naped Honey-eater. Yellow-eared Honey-eater. White-eared Honey-eater. Crescent Honey-eater. Wattle-Bird. Mistletoe-Bird. Allied Pardalote.