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off, and turned them loose in a paddock. He very soon found out which was which, for the dam licked the filly all over, and the filly showed every sign of affection. So having found out the answer, Sakatala went and told the king, and not only received his former position, but gained great credit and riches for himself.

Story L

IN a certain town in a remote quarter of the world lived two friends; the name of one was Dharmabuddhi, of the other Dushtabuddhi. One day they started on an expedition to try and make some money, and having been very successful, they determined to return to their native town. Before starting they decided to take some part of their money home with them, and to bury the remainder, and far the larger part, under a pîpal tree, with the idea of returning eventually and dividing it between them. This having been done they went to their respective homes, well pleased, and prepared to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Well now ! just hear what Dushtabuddhi did — indeed, I am ashamed to say what he did; for —