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pretty clear that Dushtabuddhi was innocent of the theft. But Dharmabuddhi was not to be taken in, for he had recognized the voice of Dushtabuddhi's father. So he went and set fire to the tree. Presently the old gentleman was seen scrambling out of the hollow, scorched with the fire, and almost suffocated. On this the magistrate had Dushtabuddhi arrested, punished him, and ordered him to restore Dharmabuddhi the money which he had stolen.

Story LI

There is a town called Chamatkârapura, and it was inhabited by a pious and wealthy people. One day some Brâhmans living there made up their minds to go on a pilgrimage to the Lord of Vallabhî, and they started with a goodly company of horses and chariots, together with their wives and children, taking with them plentiful supplies for the journey. On the road they were attacked by a band of thieves, and they fled in all directions. One of the reverend gentlemen whose name was Gângila happened to be lame, consequently he was unable to run away with the rest of the party. So he re-