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crafty Tejukâ was soon cured of the serpent's bite. The merchant was quite delighted at the cure, and placed himself and his house quite at the doctor's service. So the doctor after this paid the merchant's house a good many visits, to the great satisfaction of the merchant's wife.

Story LXV

IN a town called Ganasthâna lived a devotee. His name was Srivatsa, and he was a follower of Maheśvara. One day he started for Varanasi with one of his disciples, and on the road this disciple saw a piece of meat, and stopped to pick it up.

He was seen to do this by a number of ascetics who were close by, so Srivatsa was put in somewhat of a difficulty. For they all came in a body and jeered at this devotee and his disciple who had made such a blunder. To their remarks he said: " Yes ! this is a disciple of mine, and it is quite true that he picked up a piece of meat; but the truth is, that he didn't know it was a piece of meat, or he would not have made this mistake."