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just outside the house — at the same time shouting, " Help ! I am drowning." Her husband heard the noise and the splash, and thinking to himself, " Hullo ! that wife of mine has tumbled into the tank," went and pulled her out, and brought her into the house, without making any remark, or asking her any questions.

At the conclusion of these stories, Madana returned from his expedition, and was received by Prabhâvati with every demonstration of affection.

The Parrot said, very slowly and solemnly — " Affection in women means nothing; pride in women means nothing:

All the time that you have been absent, she has been my friend, and has been devoted to me."

Madana heard what the Parrot said, but he did not pay much attention to it. The Parrot smiled and continued: " He who hears good advice and follows it, is blessed both in this world and in the next." Madana therefore was induced to ask the Parrot what he meant. Prabhâvati at this felt a little bit anxious as to what might come out, for it has been said —

" The good are always bold sustained by consciousness of good.

The wicked are always afraid, for their evil con-