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moment to offer some betel at the shrine of her protecting divinity.

While she was engaged upon this, the parrot said: "Well, good luck to you! Where are you going?"

She thought to herself, "After all, it is only a bird," and said laughing, "If you want to know, I am going to meet a lover."

"Shocking!" exclaimed the parrot; "I never heard of any woman of decent character doing such a thing! However, if your mind is made up, right or wrong, I suppose you must go. For—

"People of low character, when they are depressed, always try to get some kind of diversion; like the woman of light character who dragged the merchant's son about by his hair."

"And what was that? " said Prabhavati, making the parrot a respectful bow.

"If you will make love," answered the parrot, "by all means make love; but before you go, hear the tale I have to tell you."

Prabhavati assented, and the parrot said—