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named Vishnu, a remarkably smart and attractive young fellow. He at once took the fancy of Govinda's wife, and an attachment sprang up between them at first sight. For, as has been said — " Love takes its origin from mutual glances: then the feelings are roused and it comes into existence. Then follows loss of sleep, emaciation, distraction, loss of self-control, madness, folly, death. Wise men tell us that these, ten conditions are brought about in men by means of love."

So the traveller wrote to Govinda, saying that he was a Brâhman named Vishnu, an inhabitant of the neighbouring town, that he was on a journey but afraid to travel alone, so might he go with them.

The stupid Govinda consented without any misgivings, and the end of it was that one day when his back was turned, his fellow-traveller made such an inroad into the lady's affections that she fell a victim to his attractions, and told him her whole history, her name, and her family. Presently Govinda came back, and when he wanted to get into his cart they called him a thief and declined to let him come in, and after some disputing, Vishnu committed a violent assault on him and beat him severely, assisted by the damsel's magical powers.