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culty, but Vishnu was quite at a loss, and did not know what to say; so he lost his case and became an object of ridicule to every one, while they advised Govinda to let the lady go to the infernal regions and be rid of a nuisance. For it has been said —

" A learned man given to love and wine; a dancer who dances badly;

A devotee who is stupid and foolish; a parasite who is old and worn-out;

A Brâhman who is ignorant of the Scriptures; a kingdom whose ruler is a child;

A friend who cannot give advice, and who is deceitful; a wife who, rejoicing in her youth and beauty, makes love to other men;

A wise man keeps clear of all these."

A man too whose faculties are obscured by love, and who, despising common-sense advice, travels with his sweetheart along the highway, will certainly be attacked and robbed as Govinda was, who got into trouble because he would not listen to the advice of his friends.