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Story XXVI

In a village called Jalaudha lived a certain Râjaputra, a very brave man. His wife's name was Ratnâdevî. A man called Devasa and his son Dhavala were inhabitants of the same village. Both of these two were in love with Ratnâdevî, but they kept it a secret from each other. One day the father and the son were both in the Râjaputra's house when unexpectedly the master of the house returned. Ratnâdevî was in a difficulty, but she made signs to the son, who saw what had happened, and went out at once in a great state of trepidation. On the doorstep he ran up against the returning Râjaputra, who exclaimed: " Hullo ! what is the meaning of this ? " She replied: " This unfortunate person has been ill-treated by his father and came here to ask you for protection. His father followed him here, and I did not dare to ask the son in. Still as it has been said: ' A true Kshâtrya is one who is able to protect the good, and whose bow is all powerful when an emergency arises. But he who has both the power and the means, and who does nothing, is as a man who promises without performing.' "

The Râjaputra exclaimed with indignation, "Go and call the son in ! " and he very willingly accepted the invitation.