Page:The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume 10.djvu/152

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Ballad Airs from Manuscript

281. The Keach i the Creel.

W. Walker, Aberdeen.

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c'' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 100
                    \key d \major
                    \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                    \stemUp \partial 8 a8 |
                    fs a a a |
                    b a a a |
                    fs a \stemDown d fs |
                    e4. d16 e |
                    fs8 fs16[( d)] e8 e16 cs16 |
                    d8 d \stemUp g, b16 b |
                    a a a8 \stemDown b cs |
                    d4. \stemUp a16 g |
                    fs8 a a4 |
                    fs8 a a4 |
                    \stemDown d16 cs d[( e)] fs8 e |
                    d4. |
                    \bar "|."
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

286 Ba. The Sweet Trinity. (The Golden Vanity.)

Macmath MS.
From a copy in the handwriting of P. S. Fraser (slightly corrected).

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 100
                    \key f \major
                    \time 4/4 \numericTimeSignature
                    \stemUp \partial 8 c8 |
                    f e f g f4 c8 c |
                    f g a bf \stemDown c2 |
                    f4 \stemUp f,8 f f4 e8 f |
                    g4 c, c c |
                    bf' bf a a |
                    g8 a g f e4 c8 c |
                    f4 a8 f g4 e |
                    f2. r8 |
                    \bar "|."
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

286 Cg. The Sweet Trinity. (The Golden Vanity.)

Miss M. Macmath.

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c'' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 100
                    \key a \major
                    \time 4/4 \numericTimeSignature
                    \stemUp \partial 4 a4 |
                    \stemDown cs \stemUp cs8.[( b16)] a4 a8. b16 |
                    \stemDown cs4 d e cs8 cs |
                    \stemUp a4 a8 a a4 gs8 a |
                    b \stemDown cs \stemUp b gs e4 \stemDown cs'8. d16 |
                    e8. fs16 e8. d16 \stemUp cs[( a8.)] b4 |
                    a b e, \stemDown cs'8. d16 |
                    e8. fs16 e8. d16 \stemUp cs[( a8.)] b4 |
                    a2. |
                    \bar "|."
                \addlyrics {
                    There was a ship of the North Coun -- trie,
                    And the name of the ship was the Gold -- en Trin -- i -- tie;
                    She was sail -- ing in the Low -- lands low, low, low,
                    She was sail -- ing in the Low -- Lands low.
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

299 D (V, 306). Trooper and Maid.

Macmath MS.

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c'' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 100
                    \key a \major
                    \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                    \stemUp \partial 8 a8 |
                    b b b \stemDown cs |
                    \stemUp a fs fs8. gs16 |
                    a8 a a \stemDown cs |
                    e8.[( d16)] cs8 \stemUp a |
                    \stemDown b b b cs \stemUp a fs fs8. \stemDown e'16 |
                    fs8. e16 fs8 b, |
                    b4 b8 |
                    \bar "|."
                \addlyrics {
                    The troop -- er lad cam to oor gate,
                    And oh, but he was wea -- ry;
                    He rap -- ped at and chap -- ped at,
                    Syne called for his kind dear -- y.
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }