Page:The Ethics of the Professions and of Business, with a supplement - Modern China and Her Present Day Problems.djvu/14

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THIS volume of the "Annals" owes its value to the service ideal of each member of the committee whose names are given on the opposite page. The content and point of view of this volume were both new. Here and there individuals within the professions had given thought to the place and value of a code, each for his own profession, but few even of these had thought of the service value of the standards of conduct reflected in those codes to other pro- fessions or to business generally. The volume required consultation and repeated searches for contributors and topics and codes on the part of all the members of this committee. Many not only helped with suggestions and advice but also undertook the preparation of articles themselves. To all of these the officers of the Academy render grateful acknowledgments.

The services of this committee are not to end with the publication of this volume. The members of the committee have dedicated themselves to the cause of the betterment of ethical standards among the professions and in business. To this end they will keep themselves in touch with and aid when possible the attempts of all organizations everywhere to attain and maintain high standards of social conduct. With the active support of the many hundreds of loyal and active Academy members everywhere, such services are sure to bring ample returns. For the stability and worthwhileness of our social and industrial life depend upon the standards of conduct of men and women when engaged in making a living.