Page:The Ethics of the Professions and of Business, with a supplement - Modern China and Her Present Day Problems.djvu/252

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The Annals of the American Academy

2. There are over one hundred committees at work drafting proposed codes of standards of practice. Hart Seeley, one of the district governors of Rotary, is chairman of a committee framing a code for the Glove Manufacturers' Association. The other Rotarians who are chairmen of national committees are too numerous to mention. One national secretary writes, "My office has been swamped with letters asking for our code of standards of correct practice. If the Rotary Committee will call off its Rotarians, we will immediately set about to write a code." Still another association writes, "It took us five years to frame our present code of standards of prac- tice, which was made up mainly through compromises of men who did not wish the standards to be too exact- ing. Now, Rotarians urge us to go to the limit in making a stringent code. They are so insistent our President has appointed a re-drafting committee."

3. Many associations have had so many requests for their present code so that their membership might study it and ascertain if it was worthy, that they have been compelled to get out an entirely new edition to supply the requests. This feature of the campaign, in interesting many who heretofore had no knowledge of their craft code or no knowledge of the business standards sought, will accomplish great good for the general business world.

Rotary appreciates the opportunity of presenting this campaign to the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and trusts that its members who are more skilled in matters of this sort, will aid the businessman wherever opportunity offers.