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"Erin, my country," and "I love thy green bowers," is the end of his story; which is a hint to me that this is not the place to say more for the peace of John Bull. Hence Ireland produced a Daniel O'Connell, but has not yet got the repeal.

Father Smyth, in addressing the meeting, spoke with coolness and forbearance, yet commendatory of the constitutional manner in which his congregation sought redress from the government, for the insult offered them, through his person, in the abuse of his servant by the trooper Lord. On concluding his address, he was warmly cheered, when the reverend gentleman and his friends adjourned to the parsonage, to partake of some refreshments.



Held on Bakery-hill, November 11th.

Political changes contemplated by


1. A full and fair representation.—Dont you wish you may get it?

2. Manhood suffrage.—Thanks to the Eureka-boys, it costs now one pound. Cheap!

3. No property qualification of members for the Legislative Council.—The identical thing for "starring" on stumps to a fellow's heart's content.

4. Payment of members.—That's the accommodation!

5. Short duration of Parliament.—Increase the chances of accommodation, that's it.

What was the freight per ton, of this sort of worn out twaddle imported from old England?

How much does this new chum's bosh fetch in the southern markets, and in the Victorian market particularly?

For my part I decline to answer, because I want to attend at the meeting. J. B. Humffray, is the Secretary of the League; his name is going now the round of the diggings; I wish to see the man in person; is he a great, grand, or big man? that's the question.

When you see John Basson Humffray, you have at once before you a gentleman, born of a good old family; his manners confirm it, and his words indicate an honest benevolent heart, directed by a liberal mind, entangled perhaps by too much reading of all sorts, perplexed at the prosperity of the vicious,