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tions for non-political objects, such as customs-duties, police and posts[1].

of 29th November, 1869,By a Firman of 29th November, 1869, the Khedive is forbidden to raise loans without the sanction of the Sultan[2].

of 10th September, 1872,A Firman of l0th September, 1872, practically revokes the preceding Firman[3].

of 25th September, 1872,A Firman of 25th September, 1872, expressly gives the Khedive authority to contract loans without permission[4].

of 8th June, 1873,An important Firman was issued on 8th June, 1873, to replace all preceding Firmans. It confirms the rules of succession already established ; provides for a Regency during minority ; authorizes the Khedive to make laws, to make non-political conventions with foreign powers, to contract loans without permission, to keep an unlimited number of troops, and to build ships of war, iron-clads excepted. The tribute is maintained at 150,000 purses[5]. This Firman is still in force, in so far as it is not controlled by the Firman of 2nd August, 1879. which was issued on 2nd August, 1879[6], under the circumstances presently to be mentioned.

Egyptian indebtedness.But between the dates 1873 and 1879 there occurred a series of events which gave to the European Powers a position in Egypt paramount in some respects to that of either Sultan or Khedive. This position was the result of the enormous loans contracted by the Khedive with subjects of the Powers, and of the rights which the Powers acquired for their subjects of enforcing their claims by means of the machinery of the The International Courts, 1876. so-called 'International Courts.' The institution of these courts is indeed the turning-point of recent Egyptian history. The inefficiency of the then existing machinery for the administration of justice to foreigners was explained in a report
  1. Parl. Papers, u. s. ; N. R. G. ib. 242 (Texts, No. III).
  2. Ib. u. s. (Texts, No. V).
  3. Ib. u. s. (Texts, No. VI).
  4. Ib. u. s. (Texts, No. VII).
  5. Ib. u. s. ; N. R. G. xviii, 629 (Texts, No. VIII).
  6. Parl. Papers, 1880, Egypt, No. i. p. 51 ; N.R.G. 2me Série, vi, 508 (Texts, No. IX).