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Increase of Tribute. Treasury is raised to 150,000 purses, commencing from the month of March in the year 1866, at the rate of 100 piastres to a pound Turkish, that is to say, to 750,000 pounds Turkish annually[1].

My Imperial Iradé having issued in order to put into execution the preceding conditions, the present Firman, bearing at its head my Imperial writing, has been drawn up by my Imperial Chancery, and delivered to thee.

Thou, on thy part, with the loyalty and zeal which characterize thee, and profiting by the knowledge thou hast acquired of the state of Egypt, shouldst devote thy care to the good administration of that country, shouldst labour to ensure to its population complete tranquillity and security, and, in recognition of the value of the proof I have just given thee of my Imperial favour, shouldst carefully observe the conditions above laid down.

Written the 12th day of the month of Moharem, in the year of the Hegira 1283 (27th May, 1866).

No. III[2].

1866, 15th June. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Viceroy of Egypt, settling the mode of appointing a Regency, in the case of His Highness dying before his son should attain the age of 18 years, 15th June, 1866.Regency.

(The text of this Firman is omitted, as relating to a question of no general interest, now regulated by the Firman of 1873.)

No. IV[3].

1867, 8th June. Firman addressed by the Sultan to the Khedive of Egypt, confirming the privilege of hereditary succession, and the right to conclude commercial and other treaties, having no political significance, 8th June 1867.

The Pasha is addressed as Khedive. To my illustrious Vizier Ismaïl Pasha, who now holds the rank of Grand Vizier, with the title of 'Khidev' of Egypt, and

  1. Cf. Texts, No. VIII.
  2. Parl. Papers, ibid., p. 43.
  3. Parl. Papers, ibid.; N.R.G. xviii, 242.