Art. IV. The Sublime Porte engages for the future^ as hitherto, to lend to the European Commissio?i, or to the authority which shall succeed it, all the assistance and all the co-operation which either may require in the execution of engineering works, and, generalli/, in all that concerns the accomplishment of its task. It will take care that the banks of the Danube from Isaktcha to the sea remain free from all buildings, private rights of way, and other obstacles whatsoever, and it will continue, under reserve of the annual rent to which landed property is subject in Turkey, to leave at the disposal of the Commission, in the port of Sulina, the left bank of the river for a distance of 760 metres up stream, measured from the root of the north pier, and for a width of 150 mètres, measured from the bank.
It consents, moreover, to grant a fitting site on the right bank of the river for the buildings which the Commission, or the authority that shall succeed it, may think fit to erect for the service of the port of Sulina, for the seaman's hospital, and for the other requirements of the administration.
Art. V. In the event of the Commission making use of the reserve mentioned in Article III concerning the improvement of the mouth and branch of St. George, the Sublime Porte consents that the said Commission may dispose (as soon as there shall be need of them) of the ground and sites belonging to the State Bomain, which shall have been previously designed and determined upon as 7iecessary, both for the construction of works and for the formation of the establishments which will have to be created in consequence of, or as a complement to, this improvement[1].
Art. VI. It is understood that on neither bank of the river, either in the port of Sulina or St. George, shall there be constructed, either by the territorial authorities, by commercial or navigation companies, or by private individuals, any landing jetties, quays, or other establishments of the same nature of which the plans have not been communicated to the European Commission and recognised as being in conformity with the
- ↑ Under the Treaty of Berlin, this branch flows through the territory of Roumania.