in conformity with a special arrangement concluded for this purpose between the European Commission and the Delegate of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, under this day's date.
The surplus of these proceeds, if there is any, shall be held in reserve to meet the expenses that may be incurred by the prolongation of the Sulina Piers, or by the carrying out of such other works as the European Commission, or the authority which shall succeed it, shall subsequently judge useful.
It is expressly understood, moreover, that no part of the proceeds of the tolls levied on sea-going vessels, or of the loans realized by means of the appropriation of these tolls, can be employed to cover the expenses of works or of administration connected with a section of the river above Isaktcha.
Art. XV. At the expiration of every term of five years, and with a view to diminish, if possible, the burdens imposed upon the navigation, Delegates from the Powers that have enacted the above-mentioned Tariff shall proceed to a revision of its provisions, and the amount of the toll shall be reduced as much as possible, always, however, maintaining the mean revenue judged necessary.
Art. XVI. The method of collecting the tolls, and the administration of the Navigation Cash Office of Sulina, shall continue to be governed by the Regulations at present in force. The responsible Agent, charged with the collection, shall be appointed by majority of votes by the European Commission, or by the authority which shall succeed it, and shall act under its immediate orders.
The general control of the transactions of the Cash Office shall he exercised by an Agent whose appointment shall belong to the Ottoman Government[1].
A detailed balance-sheet of the transactions of the Navigation Cash Office shall be published every year in the official journals of the different Powers interested, as well as a statement, making known the distribution and appropriation of the proceeds of the Tariff.
- ↑ See now Art. 3 of the Additional Act, Texts, No. VII.