Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/293

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No. VI.

Treaty between Great Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the Settlement of Affairs in the East. Signed at Berlin, July 13, 1878[1].

Articles I−XII. Bulgaria. XIII−XXI. Eastern Roumelia. XXIII. Crete and other European Provinces. XXIV. Greece. XXV. Bosnia and Herzegovina. XXVI−XXXI, XXXIII. Montenegro. XXXIV−XL, XLII. Servia. XLIII−LI. Roumania. LII−LVII. The Danube. LVIII−LX. Cessions in Asia. LXI−LXII. Obligations undertaken by the Porte. XXII, XXXII, XLI. Evacuations. LXIII, LXIV. Confirmation of former Treaties and Ratification.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, &c., and King Apostolic of Hungary, the President of the French Republic, His Majesty the King of Italy, His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, being desirous to regulate, with a view to European order, conformably to the stipulations of the Treaty of Paris of 30th March, 1856[2], the questions raised in the East by the events of late years and by the war terminated by the preliminary Treaty of San Stefano, have been unanimously of opinion that the meeting of a Congress would offer the best means of facilitating an understanding.

Their said Majesties and the President of the French Republic have, in consequence, appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, the Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, &c., First Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury, and Prime Minister of England; the Most Honourable Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil, Marquis of Salisbury, &c., Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for

  1. Parl. Papers, 1878, Turkey, No. 44; N. R. G. 2me Série, iii, 449.
  2. Art. 7, supra, p. 245.