Evacuation, Fortresses, War-material. Art. XI. The Ottoman army shall no longer remain in Bulgaria; old fortresses shall be razed at the expense of the Principality within one year, or sooner if possible; the local Government shall immediately take steps for their demolition[1], and shall not construct fresh ones.
The Sublime Porte shall have the right of disposing as it likes of the war-material and other effects belonging to the Ottoman Government which may have remained in the fortresses of the Danube already evacuated in virtue of the Armistice of the 31st January, as well as of those in the strongholds of Shumla and Varna.
Real property held by Mussulmans. Art. XII. Mussulman proprietors or others who may take up their abode outside the Principality may continue to hold there their real property, by farming it out, or having it administered by third parties[2]
Vakoufs. A Turco-Bulgarian Commission shall be appointed to settle, within a period of two years, all questions relative to the mode of alienation, working, or use on the account of the Sublime Porte, of property belonging to the State and religious foundations (vakoufs), as well as of the questions regarding the interests of private persons engaged therein.
Bulgarians. Persons belonging to the Principality of Bulgaria, who shall travel or dwell in the other parts of the Ottoman Empire, shall be subject to the Ottoman authorities and laws.
- ↑ On the delay which has taken place in carrying out this provision, see Parl. Papers, 1881, Turkey No. 4, pp. 18, 63.
- ↑ In 1883 there were discussions between the Porte and the Bulgarian Government, the former maintaining that the property of Mussulmans in Bulgaria was protected by this Article, though not claimed within three years, a circumstance which in Turkey would bar a claim to land. In January, 1885, the Porte addressed the Powers on the illegal sequestration by the Bulgarian Government of the property of Turkish subjects.
Salonica are to be completed by 15th October, 1886. Delays have been occasioned in the commencement of these lines by difficulties as to the junctions (decided, with reference to a junction near Pirot, in May, 1884, and to one near Vrauja in January, 1885), and also by disputes between the Porte and Baron Hirsch, as representing the E. Railway Company. In January, 1885, the Porte agreed with the Ottoman Bank and the Comptoir d'escompte for the formation of a Turkish Company to unite the Turkish and Servian lines by the date fixed.