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No. VII.

1881, 28th May.
Additional Act to the Public Act of the 2nd November, 1865, relative to the Navigation of the Mouths of the Danube. Signed at Galatz, May 28, 1881[1].

The Powers represented upon the European Commission of the Danube, in virtue of the Treaty of Paris of the 30th March, 1856. and Roumania, which has been empowered to take part in the said Commission by Article LIII of the Treaty of Berlin of the 13th July, 1878,

Being desirous of putting- the Public Act of the 2nd November, 1 865, relative to the navigation of the mouths of the Danube, in harmony with the stipulations of the Treaty of Berlin, to the effect that the said European Commission ' shall henceforward exercise its functions as far as Galatz, in complete independence of the territorial authority, and that all the Treaties, arrangements, acts, and decisions relative to its rights, privileges, prerogatives, and obligations are confirmed,'

Have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say :

[Here follow the names and titles of the plenipotentiaries.]

Who, having produced their full powers, found in good and due form, and of which a certified copy remains deposited in the archives of the European Commission, have agreed upon the following provisions additional to the aforesaid Public Act of the 2nd November, 1865 : —

Application of previous Acts to Riverain States.Art. I. The rights, attributes, and immunities of the European Commission of the Danube, such as they have been established by the Treaties of Paris of the 30th March, 1856, and of London of the 13th March, 1871, by the Public Act of the 2nd November, 1865[2], as well as by the acts and decisions prior to the Treaty of Berlin of the 13th July, 1878, shall continue to govern its relations with the new Riverain States, and their effect shall extend as far as Galatz[3], subject to the modifications hereinafter specified.

The Inspector, &c.Art. II. The agent specially appointed to superintend the
  1. Parl. Papers, 1882, Danube, No. i ; N. R. G. 2me Série, viii, 207. Cf. supra, p. 231.
  2. Supra, p. 263, Texts, No. IV.
  3. By Art. i of the Treaty of 1883, Texts, No. VIII, to Ibraila.