Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/328

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Extract from the Protocol recording the sitting of the European Commission of the Danube, held on the 28th May, 1881.

Reserve of Russian Delegate;In proceeding to sign the Additional Act the Delegate declares, by order of his Government, that he signs the Act in question under the following reserve : the provisions of Articles V and VI of the Additional Act shall not be applicable to the left bank of the Kilia branch, that is to say, to Russian territory, it being, nevertheless, understood that this reserve cannot alter in any way the stipulations of the Treaties concerning the European Commission of the Danube,

of Roumanian Delegate,The Delegate of Roumania declares, on his part, by order of his Government, that he signs the Additional Act under reserve of the equality of the rights of the Riverain States as regards the provisions of Articles V, VI, and VII of the said Act: it is, nevertheless, understood that the provisions of Art. V shall be applicable, during the duration of the European Commission, to existing rights only ; and that the provisions of Art. VII are maintained so far as concerns exclusively the levying of sanitary dues, and the management of the fund which is to be formed by means of the product of these taxes.

The Delegates respectively acknowledge and take note of these declarations and reserves, and it is confirmed that, subsequently to the drafting of the text of Art. VII, an understanding has been arrived at between the Roumanian Government and the European Commission, in the sense that the levying of the sanitary dues, and the management of the fund to be formed out of their product, shall come into the hands of the Commission.

The Delegates of Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy, Roumania, Russia, and Turkey, affix to the Additional Act their signatures and the seal of their arms.

The present Protocol is drawn up and signed in nine copies, of which one is deposited in the archives of the Commission, together with the initialled copy of the Additional Act.

Done at Galatz the 38th May, 1881.

[The same signatures.]