Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/87

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ment to that effect, would deem it its duty to interpose its influence with the Porte, in order to assure to the inhabitants of the above mentioned islands, protection against arbitrary and oppressive acts[1].

Note of the Powers to the Porte.These views were communicated to the Porte in a note signed on 8th April, 1830, by the representatives of the three Powers at Constantinople, to the following effect:—

The allied Courts feel themselves bound to secure the inhabitants of Candia and Samos against any molestation whatever, on account of the part which they have taken in the late disturbances. This security the allied Courts claim for them from the Sublime Porte, requiring that it shall be founded on specific regulations, which either recognising their ancient privileges, or granting to them such others as experience shall have proved to be necessary, will afford to the people of those islands an efficient protection against arbitrary or oppressive acts. The three Cabinets trust that the Sublime Porte, in its enlightened wisdom, will itself be convinced that, considering the relations of near neighbourhood and religion which connect the subjects of the new State, a mild and equitable administration will be the surest means of establishing its dominion upon a firm basis[2].

The subsequent fortunes of the two islands have been somewhat dissimilar.


Note of the Porte to the Powers.The Samians, having, on the advice of the three Powers, submitted to the Sultan, the Porte, on 10th December, 1832, addressed to the representatives of those Powers a note setting out the terms of the constitution which it was proposed to grant to the island[3]. In February, 1833, Stephen Vogorides was sent to Samos as prince under the new constitution; but the insurrection broke out again in the following May, in spite of the exhortations of commissioners sent by the three
  1. Prot. No. 26.
  2. Prot. No. 29; Annexe B. The Porte accepted generally the terms contained in this letter, in a note of 24th April, 1830, q. v. Prot. No. 29, Annexe C. Cf. Prot. No. 37.
  3. Infra, Texts, No. I.