Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/15

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  1. (On the title-page) The Lord waſhing the feet of his diſciples.
  2. Mother Waterhouſe, when a child, and her grandmother, who is inſtructing her in witchcraft.
  3. The cat of Mother Waterhouſe, called by her "Sathan."
  4. The toade into which the cat was changed by Mother Waterhouſe.
  5. The likeneſs of Jone—daughter of Mother Waterhouſe.
  6. The cat "Sathan in the lykeneſs of the great dogge."
  7. Another likeneſs of "Sathan" as a dog with the face of an ape, as deſcribed by Agnes Brown.
  8. The ſame woodcut.
  9. The likeneſs of Mother Waterhouſe.


London, Woburn Place,
November, 1864.