Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/33

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of certain Witches.

Item, when ſhe deſyred an other huſbande he promyſed her an other, naminge this Frauncis whom ſhee nowe hath, but ſaid he is not ſo rich as the other, willynge her to conſent vnto that Frauncis in fornycation which ſhe did, and therof conceaued a daughter that was borne within a quarter of a yere after they were maried.

After they were maryed they liued not ſo quietly as ſhe deſyred, beinge ſtirred (as ſhe ſaid) to much vnquietnes and moued to ſwearing and curſinge, wherfore ſhe willed Sathan her Cat to kyll the childe, beinge aboute the age of half a yere olde, and he did ſo, and when ſhe yet founde not the quietnes that ſhe deſyred, ſhe wylled it to lay a lamenes in the leg of thys Frauncis her huſbande, and it did in this maner. It came in a morninge to this Frauncis ſhoe, lying in it lyke a tode, and