Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/40

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The Examination

her abſence lacking breade, ſhe went to a gyrle a neybours chylde, and deſired her to geue her a pece of brede and cheeſe, whiche when denied and gaue her not, or at the leaſt not ſo muche as wolde ſatisfye her, ſhee goinge home dydde as ſhe had ſeene her mother doe, callynge Sathan, whiche came to her (as ſhe ſayd) ſhe thoughte out of her mothers ſhewe from vnder the bedde, in the lykenes of a great dogge, demaundynge what ſhe wolde haue, wherewithall ſhe beyng a fearde, ſayd ſhe wold have him to make ſuch a gyrle a ferd naminge this gyrle, then aſked hee her what ſhe wolde geue hym, and ſhe ſaide a red kocke, then ſayde hee no, but thou ſhalt geue me thy body and ſowle, whereby ſhe beinge ſoore feared, and deſyrous to be rydde of hym, ſayd ſhe wold: And herewith he went to this gyrle in the lykenes of an euyll fauoured dogge with hornes